August 11, 2010

faith in a Friend

Bilbo and Gandalf. Two friends who'd known each other a long time. After Bilbo's 111th birthday party, he and Gandalf meet in his home, Bag End, to conclude Bilbo's 'joke' with the business of leaving the Shire and handing all his belongings over to his heir, Frodo. Among those possessions he's leaving to Frodo is the ring, which we all know, if we've read enough about Middle-Earth, is a source of incredible power and corruption. It's been corrupting Bilbo with its power and allure. And when it comes to it, Bilbo can't resist keeping it for himself. Gandalf persists that he should give it up, let it go. Bilbo gets angry, he doubts Gandalf's intentions. He interprets Gandalf's concern for Bilbo's ultimate welfare as a base attempt at robbery. It takes a sharp rebuke and angry Gandalf to free Bilbo from his misperceptions. But he remembers Gandalf, and in that moment he remembers that his faith in the wizard, in his friend, is worth trusting him. Their relationship, he remembers, is more precious than his precious ring. He remembers who Gandalf is for him—a faithful friend.

So with us and God. Every day, we need to 'remember who Christ is for me.' Our faith in him and relationship with him is so valuable, because each one of us is so valuable to him, and he is so valuable for each one of us.

1 comment:

  1. Someone comment on this; I'd like to hear your opinion, and I'd like some good dialogue. (Brent, what do you think?)
